Sunday, July 7, 2024


 -I remembered a lot of years ago I got a free cardboard stand of the lamppost in the Disney movie of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

-I got it from BOOKS 'A' PLENTY

-that sounds like BABYLON

-the woman who owned it then named CHRIS

-like me the Anti CHRIST of Babylon

-CHRIS as in CHRISTIAN Paredes

-to try to set up these three miracles I bring in the lamppost stand

-once I have received the last of my clothes I ordered

-when I was young I lived at 12 James Cook Street

-there were steps leading to our front door

-and at the top of them a lamppost

-there is one too in the story the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

-my Best of DC Digest 35. I originally put it on hold about 1983 at Books 'a' Plenty but didn't go back for it. I got a secondhand one years later

-the Years Best Comic Stories in it had a Firestorm story. The page in it was ripped

-maybe referring to Earth in it's ruin

Friday, July 5, 2024

The Lion. the Witch and the Wardrobe

 -years ago blocks from my home. I saw a broken long fawn wooden table. Only one end of it had wheels

-I pulled it back to my home

-today I realized it was like The Stone Table in the Narnia book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

-Wardrobe- I might get the super hero powers and full body and personality I tried to set off matching choices to each of about 12 clothes items I bought Online

-the Lion- I replace a lot of corrupt company heads and too their workers I need to keeping their companies from closing. Lying

-the Witch- a stairwell in most Earth homes that off doors going up it are miracles etc I have done

-my Lawyer KEVIN CASSEY had just got new carpets. I dozed off and the drink came close to dripping off the table when he had arrived



-I once years ago without telling Staff got a small bird, mouse and fish. Maybe I would have kept them along the table. I had ideas it might mean something important it caused. My Staff were able to take them back

-the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I went to University for one year in 1990. We were assigned to read a book or piece. I stupidly bought this book. If it had come out I would have looked stupid and it risked messing me up

-then I went to the University Library. I read the shortish story. Maybe called Clocks. As in fake robotic like people running companies. I think I might have got about a B for the assignment my best mark

-New Zealand's shape looks a bit like top Island a lion and middle Island a Witch's dress

-when I used to live at Sunrise Trust. Running behind my room was a grave

-right behind one room I stayed in was a gravestone. The gravestone or picture on it shaped like a Heart. Maybe as in Wife

-it read Pray for the Soul of Nancy Barbara 

-the photo of a woman's head with slightly long black hair made me think back then it came off similar to a near perfect 'dream girl' idea I once had


-I think it maybe was of the character Susan. A main heroine in early books. In the last book The Last Battle her siblings said she doesn't want to come. She is more interested in staying at her current age and her looks

-I have always felt sorry for her. Thinking maybe there was nothing really wrong with her feeling like that. And wondered what would happen to her if the truth came out about Narnia. Her siblings apparently dying in a train wreck but really moving to Narnia

-BAR / BARA- the make up of my super hero powers. The first letter of a power the same as the first letter of once special themed rooms of my house

-BAR / BARA- I get the Messiah like full appearance / personality of the man Christian 'PAREDES'

-Pray for the Soul of Nancy Bar / bara- like all those I tried to kill to replace with types of robots to keep vital companies going

-the photo of her head on the grave. The graves and fake minds of company heads

The Glass Elevator

  -the Cruise Elevator

-homes on our planet get a centre STAIRWELL

-with doors to stores, lands, attractions

-I come back from fake Plate where I have been since Friday March 31st 2017

-it might be me in the Elevator with a woman like Diana but with a beard and a man like Charles. And me in the stairwell with the out of align glass doors going up it that means people on our planet can have a stairwell with places off of it

-Are you sure?

-this sets up homes, stores etc for Earth

-through stairs like the Elevator

-in case Jenette Kahn closes all down 

-Anti-Christ's Iron ROD

-says you must put 666 on you to buy or sell things

-the out of align glass doors in the centre Bank stairwell

-the Banks might break


 -in Terminator films set partly in the future

-the Terminators are robot killers and rulers over the humans

-they are run by Skynet

-a thinking computer

-the time about 1986 I went to the tallest local building a Bank to try to jump off

-going up the centre stairwell inside the building

-the glass doors leading to each floor were out of level with the floors

-a glass door would cut half way through a floor level

-the glass doors looking like a SKY NET

-I just got ideas yesterday in most homes of our world

-there could somehow be a stairwell like that

-and through the glass doors

-would be a selection of the stores, homes, attractions etc

-that I came up with for my miracles

-the Skynet and Terminators first had the future set in 2028

-that is the year I want these things to start

-and maybe save Earth from Jenette Kahn closing everything down. And the Anti-Christ saying you must damn yourself to buy or sell things

-Sky Net-like I wasn't able to jump off that building

-Sky Net- like the dream I had in 1991 of across the landscape were only small, white, wrecked SPACESHIPS

-years ago I came out in to the lounge while Jesus Christ Superstar was playing

-Superstar like the spaceships in my dream 

-there was a shelf in my lounge. I had two rows of Eaglemoss Toy Figurines boxes with a Toy Figure in each one

-I pulled every second box forward from the line of DC ones and the line of Marvel ones

-the Toy Figurine boxes were like the stairwell glass doors. The boxes were shaped like old Phone Booths

-and like the glass doors of the stairwell. The front of the boxes had clear plastic fronts

-I was living alone in my home at the time apart from occasional Staff visits

The Plan to Save Darraghs

   -I had concerns Jenette Kahn once of DC Comics would get my Back Issue of comics orders stopped. Because of us meeting in a Checkout and her indicating a magazine there

-with my miracles I make almost everything free over space

-I yesterday opened a plastic wrap from around a Showcase Eclipso Book

-the label on the wrap Comics 'R' Us

-like to say those who set that up if problems come up with Orders they will send the comics

-Comics 'R' Us

-years ago I was in K-Mart at the Bayfair Shopping Centre. In the US K-Marts were toy stores. Like the toy stores Toys 'R' Us

-I walked out carrying a large black and white hardboard print of several Disney characters Mickey Mouse and friends. Partying in a 1930s setting

-I walked out not realizing I hadn't paid for it

-like maybe connected to making everything free

-I didn't bother to go back to pay for it

-the logo of Comics 'R' Us had the US flag stripes on it

-like the US is called the Land of the Free

-it was a Disney print. Like the man looking like Walt Disney appeared and paid for all of a Disney book of stories

-and I accidently clicked on my Budget Advice Credit Card pre-settings and that paid for a Disney Christmas Cookbook. The Budget Advice was down a hill from where I met the man looking like Walt Disney

-really maybe some force setting up a person looking like him

-this might be all set up by my BACKWARD thinking / magic. Maybe as in ANTI Christ

-back in 1985 I broke windows around the local homes with an axe. And nearly hit my grandmother on the head with it. Just like a Friday the 13th film

-the windows I broke. Maybe then but not realizing it. I was setting up the stairwells of windows in homes

-W.DISNEY- I caused a man looking like Walt Disney to pay for the Disney book and me getting the Cookbook and the print. W.DISNEY as in WINDOWS

-I once saw on a magazine cover 'The Plan to Save Dallas'

-my mind causing The Plan to Save Darraghs

-save it from becoming always lands of broken powerless homes and stores. Broken homes like the windows I broke with the axe

The Good Life

  -a Movie Studio style drive entrance

-with my Tauranga Smallville and Cross large sign at the front of it

-the Cross restores if damaged

-a large room with all the DVDs I ever had. All the 1000 or so VHS videos I once had


-several video recorders and a couple of multi-zone DVD players

-they always work no many how many times you use them

-a room with around it all the comics I have ever had. In multiple versions of all the comic stands I ever had

-a lounge sized room too with all the books I ever had

-a garage sized room with all the Gym equipment I have had

-a garage sized room with all the Games room equipment I have had. And my grandparents' Pool Table they all work

-multiple copies of adult sized bedrooms with what is in my bedroom including all the clothes I just ordered

-a bedroom sized room with all the records, CDs, and audio cassettes I ever had. All working. And with players that I have had but you can play them as many times as you want

-a large wardrobe with brand new condition all the toy collection I ever had

-no life can come past the sign and gate that you don't want

-and the room with a lounge with what is in it, kitchen, dining room joined together

-the kitchen each week restores the levels of the Groceries I bought the first week when I was last in the local Psych Ward. The time Police had to be called

-the Cable TV that can play repeats of any Sky New Zealand Cable TV program when I had Sky

-Cable TV in the main lounge

-the rooms around an outside drive

-I got the idea for this layout from a dream I had 

Terror on the Mountain / The Summer I was Lost

-going around paddocks and by them in Darraghs Road in 1980

-compared to recent miracles of the last few days




-me MATT MURDERS company heads DC / DICK etc'


-about 1980 several of us young people went to paddocks across Darraghs Road from my home

-at the edge was REID's BACON Factory





-REID's- like today READS- I ordered Marvel Essential Marvel Saga Volumes 1 and 2

-several of us young people 

-a type of WILD pig somehow ran out

-I raised a post of timber as if in defense 

-I rose the POST 

-like the Anti-Christ's Iron ROD

-the Famous Five or Secret Seven of us

-these Revelations people 

-maybe really all me

-Enid BLYTON wrote the BOOKS / READS



-Captain Marvel style powers

-the post like a lightning bolt gives him the powers

-Billy BATSON is Captain Marvel

-like the BACON Factory by it

-the 'WILD' pig

-maybe Jenette Kahn the HARD Company Head



-the TIMBER- a Light Sabre

-the SWINE


-she becomes one Darth Vader?

-that visit we went on in to bush

-we found a number of really OLD bottles

-I get the exact looking body as Christian Paredes

-he looks like Glen 'HESLOFF'


-that year he lived in my Road and that year he was in my year at Intermediate


-in the distance a maybe angry elderly man approached

-maybe about some of us taking them

-the ANGRY man / ANAKIN Skywalker / Darth Vader

-the BOTTLES- JUG head

-the second Darth Vader?

-in 1985 I might have been Mentally unwell

-I went on some long walks in the middle of the night

-I went to the scary, old, white home by the paddocks

-I stood for a moment at the base floor

-at a large gap in the side

-leading in to darkness

-I rescued my son from the WORLD WAR 2 super-heroes world

-one time after at that home I called the Police but hung up straight away

-then I sat on my SUITCASE on the spare garage roof

-I took him to our world to live in my home

-about 1988

-the outside of the home had been redecorated

-I thought I might have seen a few strips of light on the roof

-like Captain Marvel's form comes with a lightning bolt

-up the Road from there

-I took a few photos to try to prove the light

-the light was gone

-I might get the Captain Marvel powers always in my real body



-PHOTOS- I get the maybe exact same appearance as PAREDES in the muscle add


-I might get a cross between the Messiah like personality I saw in him

-and my own

-then I still not 'perfect' etc

-the light on the roof

-their BRAINS

-the replacement outside

-Earth goes from being close to a dump

-to being upgraded

-today I ordered the 2 Volumes of Marvel Saga. With the 25 issues of the series

-the last page of which

-reveals all the time the typed text had been narrated by Marvel Comics' the WATCHER

-watching- me going back and seeing Posts I typed in had other words and sentences 

-the Marvel Saga comics 

-had no word balloons

-it had the original pictures 

-and the typed text told the story too

-like what I had hoped for

-I the three times of the gibberish type in my Posts

-signed Contracts maybe I can't live with any wife or real partner, children or real friends

-meaning I might be able to avoid them

-in 1985 while maybe Mentally unwell

-I broke windows around the neighbors' houses 

-with an axe

-like Daredevil's baton

-like the Earth becomes a lot of ruined powerless buildings

-the day I got home from the local Psych Ward

-the WINDOWS were all replaced

-maybe like the glass windows in the doors up the Bank stairwell

-most homes on Earth

-can have a similar stairwell

-with the glass doors leading to places of some of my miracles

-that day I got home

-I was standing in my bedroom

-for several seconds

-my body VIBRATED and I went BLIND

-like Daredevil's powers

-BLIND- I make a lot of people in charge and needed workers


-replacing them with ROBOTS / VI-BRATING

-the incident all of it strange

-maybe how Earth gets saved from being a wreck

-of broken, powerless stores and homes


 -earlier in the night before I came up with this

-I rearranged a number of my current Blogs

-making half a dozen of them themed Blogs

-like rearranging me


-like the night before I took the Bus to the next town in 2017. And my miracles became incredibly powerful

-I had a dream of a PARADE

-of DC Comics characters in THEMED groups

-in OVERSIZED like SHELL costumes

-like robots I see now

-I was told before I went

-to scan and Post in THEMED groups

-from DC Comics' WHO'S WHO comic

-and I was to repeat Bop / Bup / Bup there

-on a trip to a near main city of ROTORUA in 1987

-ROT - OR - UA


-there in a store was a DC Comics Super Powers Red Tornado Toy Figure

-he was a ROBOT 

-at the time one of my FAVORITE super-heroes

-'REDDY'- like by now even before ordering the final clothes

-things are all READY

-that trip I first saw the new version of DC Comics'

-The OMEGA Men

-in Revelations God says I am the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and end

-with the back up feature Vega

-and I saw in a comic the only time I ever saw a Legion of Super-Heroes logo

-in a subscription add for their NEW deluxe series

-'LEGION' written in tall thin lettering. And Of Super-Heroes small under it

-like I found two really long black hairs

-one on a plate. One on my bedspread

-maybe each for a new miracle

-for the first time I tried 

-TATUA Chocolate Mousse

-that came out like long STRINGS from a dispenser

-maybe that was for this


-like in ROTORUA


 -I remembered a lot of years ago I got a free cardboard stand of the lamppost in the Disney movie of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe -...