Friday, January 17, 2025

Star of David

-the STAR of DAVID

-the Israeli flag

-like a magic symbol

-Issac BASHEERA in class in 1978 had a Super Friends 14 comic

-on page 1 was Bruce Wayne sitting behind a dinner table

-with above him a symbolic GHOST IMAGE of Batman

-I said the series wasn't real. Meaning it was taken from an animated series

-he misunderstood and said None of them are real

-the idea I had. Maybe David slept with men's wives often with both of them willing. Slept with males. And maybe his wife or wives had an affair with a man like Superman

-David's wife was BATHSHEBA

-the STAR of David and Batman

-maybe David's wives had ongoing affairs with a man like Superman

-the GHOST image of Batman

-about 1975 at the end of our Street in paddocks etc. In a ditch was lying the full SKELETON of a man

-the idea David caught his wife in bed with a man like Superman and almost fell in

-BATH sheba like the DITCH the skeleton was lying in

-as I passed the ditch I thought maybe I heard children's laughter from up on top of the side of the valley 

-maybe referring to stars' plans for 'STAR Wars'

Thursday, January 9, 2025


-David's wives could of been having affairs with a man like Superman

-about 1975 I was in paddocks etc at the end of our James COOK Street

-there was a DITCH with lying in it the full SKELETON of a man

-his wives had affairs with a man like a KRYPTON version of SUPERMAN

-when he first caught them with him he almost fell in to the ditch / bed

-the Shepherd's CROOK / James COOK shaped piece of bark a puppy I once had brought in

-stars etc planned when I made a mistake later eating it. It was meant to get me pregnant

-and David might have enjoyed having sex with males and men's wives

-Captain James Cook first charted New Zealand in his ship the ENDEAVOUR

-END SHEPHERD / END with DANIEL 'COSGROVE' (a local man like Superman) / END with POWER of ATTORNEY

-the MAN's SKELETON lying in the DITCH in 1975. In 1979 a School friend CHRIS PILDITCH's mother took us to the Surf Beach. CHRIS / CHRIST / Superman actor CHRISTOPHER Reeve. PIL DITCH. CHRIST POLICE DITCHED. I found a plate sized rock I thought might be shaped like AUSTRALIA / ISRAEL. And PRETENDED to have COLLAPSED on the SAND. The bones in the ditch

Star of David

-the STAR of DAVID -the Israeli flag -like a magic symbol -Issac BASHEERA in class in 1978 had a Super Friends 14 comic -on page 1 was Bruce...